

This art titled as ‘Elephants’, is a tripanel set with Indian decorative elephants. This work is handmade acrylic painting on canvas. Ready to go on the wall. Beautiful work to add touch of colors to enhance the space.

Artist: Soumya Sreeram

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This art titled as ‘Elephants’, is a tripanel set with Indian decorative elephants. This work is handmade acrylic painting on canvas. Ready to go on the wall. Beautiful work to add touch of colors to enhance the space.

Artist: Soumya Sreeram

This art titled as ‘Elephants’, is a tripanel set with Indian decorative elephants. This work is handmade acrylic painting on canvas. Ready to go on the wall. Beautiful work to add touch of colors to enhance the space.

Artist: Soumya Sreeram

Queen peacock
Shiva the universe